The trip

On September 24th at five in the morning I woke up with a plan in mind which was to pack up and take a road trip, and where exactly were we going? Let me back track a few days when my wife and I were having a conversation about what we were going to do for our anniversary this year and we had come up with the idea of taking another trip to the Oregon coast but we decided not to because I wanted her to focus on the homework that she has for her math class. So we had agreed that these few days that we had off were going to be spent working on ourselves and homework. The night before I brought it up again because it seemed like a good chance to get away from our normal routine and I realized that it could help me find time and the creativity to work on writing, but once again we decided that we should just stay home, in reality the one that shot down the idea was myself even though I was the one that brought it up. After going to bed still thinking that it would be a good idea I thought we should go but this time I kept it to myself and went to sleep. The next morning as I mentioned earlier at 5 a.m., I woke up to use the restroom and thought to myself well we have nothing to do for the next few days so I went back to bed and as I was about to lie down my wife asked me if I was feeling ok and I responded yes I’m fine and proceeded to tell her that we will be taking the trip she said ok we can plan it when we wake up, my idea was to leave within 2 hrs so that we could arrive at Seaside at an early time. Of course it took my wife by surprise and asked me if I was being serious I assured her that I was. As we were packing we noticed that there were some things that we needed to go buy for the trip. After a quick trip to walmart we grabbed breakfast, fueled up our car and we were on our way, just to let you know we went to bed at 1 a.m. the night before so with only 4 hours of sleep we embarked on our road trip adventure. We have been to the coast before, to Newport, Oregon and this time we decided to go to Seaside. Honestly the drive was brutal because I was extremely tired by the time that we arrived, but for the sake of not just sleeping our first day there away I just had myself a strong cup of coffee and we went to beach and the downtown area. On every trip that we take after we check out our destination we always try to find the nearest grocery store (Travel Hack: to stretch your dollar) that way we can save a bit by buying food and snacks instead of going out for every meal. Trust me you will save money by doing this, the way that we try out places to eat is by doing some research and planning out our days and deciding what meal we will be replacing with grocery store food. The way that we decide what places we try is by reading the reviews online and also looking at the pictures of the food (this method has not failed us yet). One of the restaurants that we tried this trip was, Fultano’s pizza: this pizza was good the one we ordered was called the Mona Lisa it consisted of pepperoni, Canadian bacon and 3 cheese blend with red sauce. This pizza was good with every bite a delicious flavor of the seasoning and the melted cheese, the crust had a delicious crunch to it. Even though this was not our favorite pizza, we went back to the place because the restaurant also had an arcade and with the sweet memories of when my wife and I had just started dating we decided that we would have an arcade date like the “good old days.” The other restaurants that we decided to try was one that was suggested to us by my sisters-in-law it is called Harbor Pizza- yes the theme for this trip seems to have been pizza. This pizza was the one of the best pizza that I have ever had it was so delicious the pizza we got was called the tropical delight which had hickory smoked ham and pineapples on it. Now this pizza had an amazing flavor, the ham and the pineapple made a delicious combination with the melted cheese and the crispy crust, the best way it can be described is as my sister-in-law described it;

“it was so good I think about it twice a day.”

This is a restaurant that I would recommend to anyone and everyone that has plans to go to Seaside. It wasn’t until the last day that we decided to try fish and chips and clam chowder because the chowder that we tried in Newport was amazing now even though I have never tried clam chowder in my life I knew that the best chowder was only available at the Oregon coast. To conclude the trip my wife and I sat at the beach and watched the sunset, it was so beautiful watching the sunset over the ocean, as it made the sky light up with the warm glow of reds, yellows and oranges and finally changing the sky to a dark blue tint. This trip has been one of the most relaxing ones that we have been on for a while I am glad that we decided to go.

Author: Blank Stare

This is a wellness blog I come here to share my ideas, experiences and adventures to help you live a good life

5 thoughts on “The trip”

  1. Liking all the tips for your travel! Thanks for sharing!! Sounds like you had a good time together. Getting away is good for the soul.


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